The group show, Mimesis. A living design brings together 400 works by 90 creators on the subject of the evolution of nature in design. From modern biomorphism to biomimicry, from biofabrication to the recreation of living things through digital design, this exploration is as much historical as it is forward-looking. Nature and the living world are invited to Gallery 2 in the exhibition conceived by Marie-Ange Brayer, Senior Curator of the Design and Industrial Prospective department at the Musée national d'art moderne-CCI, Centre Pompidou and Olivier Zeitoun, Associated curator in the Design and Industrial Prospective department at the Musée national d'art moderne-CCI, Centre Pompidou.
From the iconic objects of modernism and their reinterpretation of nature to the most recent design exploring a new digital "naturalness" (Ross Lovegrove, Joris Laarman, Michael Hansmeyer…), the exhibition explores a profound shift in the very concept of nature, in terms of its links with technical and technological production, through the most innovative research in the field of design today.